my Dr. didn't respect my wishes....ADVICE please?

I am now 22 weeks pregnant with my first child. I told my Dr. weeks ago that I had wanted the amnino test done. She was suppose to book the appointment but never did. Today I seen her and I asked her about it and she said it was too late and that there was no need for the test. I don't have a family history of d/s or anything like that and my ultrasounds shows that the baby is growing the way it should. Not to sound like a bad person but if after the child was born and there was something wrong with the child, I wouldn't want that extra demand. Regardless. I I asked her if there was a way to have the test done still and she said I would have to speak to another Dr but sees no reason to go through with it. Any thoughts?


  • Amniocentesis is a pretty invasive procedure with some serious side effects. A lot of doctors won't perform one without a good enough reason to. I'm guessing from your ultrasounds and blood tests, your doctor didn't feel there was a significant enough risk to warrant putting your pregnancy at risk. Amniocentesis can cause miscarriage. A lot of doctors won't perform a procedure if the risks of side effects outweigh the benefits to the patient. For example, I have really bad fibroids, but my doctors have all said they won't do anything about them until I'm done having kids. They won't take that risk that my fertility will be affected by performing surgery on me to remove them. However, this is something your doctor really should've talked to you about. A good doctor communicates with their patient effectively.

    I think at this point if you feel strongly enough about it, you can switch doctors, or go and get a second opinion on an amnio from another doctor. A lot of doctors tend to think that because they know more than the patient, they have a right to dictate how a patient lives and what they should do with regards to their health. If you feel your needs aren't being met, you should see if a different doctor is right for you.

    Good luck! I hope everything goes well and you have a happy and healthy baby.

  • i didnt have the test done either and honestly it has been proven that the test isnt safe i know a few woman who have had perfectly healthy pregnancies and then once they had that test done they ended up having miscarriages so if u want your child tested for d/s and all that stuff just have it done once the baby is born iys a lot safer that way

  • Honestly I think that test sucks. My aunt had it done and was told her baby had Down syndrome and she should abort. She didn't and her daughter was born with out ds and perfectly healthy.

  • It's late now. If you are less than 30 yrs need not worry about D/S

  • I would have checked up on making the appt.

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