What's a cool email adress username?
As in
My name is Brittany and I love music, Paramore, EDWARD CULLEN and BELLA SWAN, and other stuff.
I want something really cool, but I can't think of anything. Maybe something like
paramomentofpressure, but idk. too long.
it could be [email protected] for paramore lol in case you didn't know
hmm what do you want is the question. Do you want cake, boys, animals, toys, autos, stars, you call it listed the following are a pair. Love_n_u if you're in love Stairs2far if you're a lazy individual Eyes_onMe in case you want your self Mighty_Girly in case you want to be considered as a strong Girly woman thats in case you want them strong success
if you are a teenager, you should think of a practical email. when you apply to colleges, its better to just use your name because a creative one can send the wrong message. one time this boys email was 'likestobang' but he was a bass drummer in a band. the person reviewing his admission could have chosen not to read it, and it gives a bad first impression.
me and my friends take a name and add sun or moon to the end for a user name like marksun or lynnmoon or kiramoon P.S kiramoon is taken by me
[email protected]