IS GOD REAL? ...... how do you know? ?
I was raised by a christian family, went to church,etc.. But I'm still curious about the matter? /: like how do we REALLLLLLLLLYY know? I'm just trying to get. Abetter understanding.
I was raised by a christian family, went to church,etc.. But I'm still curious about the matter? /: like how do we REALLLLLLLLLYY know? I'm just trying to get. Abetter understanding.
Modern Astrophysics has proven the existence of God beyond a reasonable doubt.
Newton's Third Law of Motion states "For every action there is equal and opposite reaction." Every action in the universe was caused by a prior equal and opposite reaction.
If we logically follow each and every action and reaction back to the beginning then logically there has to be a first action without a prior equal and opposite reaction. Modern astrophysicists call this event the Big Bang.
This first action was completely independent of outside forces. This action was God, the un-caused cause, creating the universe. This proof also fulfills the principle of Occam's Razor.
By the way, it was Georges Lemaître (1894–1966), a Belgian Catholic priest and professor of physics and astronomy, who proposed what became known as the Big Bang theory of the origin of the Universe.
Another proof:
A universe in which life has a chance to exist can only happen in where a couple of dozen universal constants coincide, including:
+ Minimum interval of space
+ Minimum unit of time
+ Planck's Constant
+ Maximum velocity
+ Gravitational Attraction Constant
+ Weak Force Coupling Constant
+ Strong Nuclear Force Coupling Constant
+ Rest Mass of a Proton
+ Rest Mass of an Electron
+ Electron or Proton Unit Charge
+ Minimum Mass of the Universe
+ Total Visible Rest Mass
+ Boltzmann's Constant
+ Hubble Constant
+ Cosmological Constant
+ Cosmic Proton/Photon Ratio
+ Permittivity of Free Space
+ Electromagnetic Fine-Structure Constant
+ Weak Fine-Structure Constant
+ Gravitational Fine-Structure Constant
A couple of percent difference in any one of these constants would make the universe completely uninhabitable. Roger Penrose, a peer of Hawking, calculated that the chance of a universe capable of supporting life as we know it as one part in 10 raised to the power of 10 raised to the power of 123.
This fine tuning of the universe, while not an absolute proof of God, can be used to help prove the existence of God beyond a reasonable doubt (which is my claim).
I also suggest you read Robert Spitzer's new book "New Proofs for the Existence of God: Contributions of Contemporary Physics and Philosophy"
Magis God Wiki: "Why Believe in God?"
With love in Christ.
The Lord works in amazing ways. He wants us to find him. Ask God to show you to him. There is a lot I could tell you about him, but he wants you to find him. If you decide to learn more go to a KJV Bible. Remember pray to him before you read it, it will help understand a little bit better. I am only a 16 year old and raised in a Christian family and there is alot I'm amazed about God.
hebrews 11:1 says "now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" but, are real.just because you cant see,taste, smell or touch something with regular human senses does not at all mean that another spiritual realm does not exist. in fact it does. and in that spirit realm there is good and evil. if it tries to decieve, destroy and deny you any goodness you will know it is of evil intent.the best to know for sure is ask Christ into your heart and life and ask Him this very same Question. He will say,' If you were the only on earth, I would have died for just you to save just you ." you;ll know when He becomes real in your Life when you let Him. thats the choice. will you willingly let christ control your life ? thats the hardest part about committing to Christ.but the walk just keeps getting better.. everyday there is something new I learn because of Him. i suggest you do the same
No, God is not real. You, too, can know that simply by reading the Holy Bible from cover to cover, word for word. The Holy Bible proves beyond a shadow of doubt that God is a mythical character.
If by "God" you mean the Christian god, no he is not real. This is because that god is given multiple self-contradictory characteristics and thus cannot exist as described by Christian dogma.
One example is the idea of omnipresence and hell.
Most Christians will answer the question "Where is God?" by saying "He is everywhere." This is the definition of omnipresent.
Most Christians will answer the question "Is God in Hell?" by saying "No."
This is a contradiction for two reasons. First, if God is omnipresent, then God is also in Hell. Second, many Christians define Hell as a "state or place separated from God." Therefore, either Hell does not exist (which contradicts the entire Gospel story and why we need to be saved) or God is in Hell (which contradicts the idea that Hell is a place separate from God).
This is but one example of the many self-contradictions with regard to the Christian god.
P.S. In no way does this mean no god exists; it just means that the Christian god is a demonstrably false one.
I know from my own experiences that God is real. If you want to know for yourself, ask him to show you. I don't mean just saying "God show me you're real", now I'm going back to what I was doing. I mean turn the TV off and open your bible after praying for guidance and read what is there and ask God to allow his presence to be known by you. If you really mean it, you will know he is there and is real. If you want to take it forward from there then ask Him to intervene in your life, which basically means "help me to enjoy the things you want for me, because I know you know the future and what is to come and if you're guiding me I've got nothing to fear...Please lead me." I hope this helps.
Also, I don't know if you believe in ghosts or spirits, but I do. My family lived in a house where a man hung himself and there were many things that would happen in the house that could never "just happen". Anyway, why would spirits or ghosts exist if there was no reason for them. If it really was just the big bang then there would have only been physical things that were made, and I don't understand how it could have made both male and female in so many different species let alone just humans, with all the organs and everything needed to keep a person in good functional condition and just happen to have the nose up high in front away from stinky and have each person have similar traits and even symmetric, if we weren't created why is it that we and all other species are so symmetric, I mean if it just happened, whats to say we wouldn't have a really long arm and then a really short one. Also the reason for our eye brows is to keep sweat from getting in our eyes, the reason for eyelashes is to keep things from getting in your eyes, the reason for the hairs in your nose is to filter what you breath, the reason for us having ears and a nose by our eyes is so we can coordinate the senses....there's too much proof for me not to be able to deny an intelligent creator
One of the most extraordinary and supernatural ways that God communicates with us is through prophesies that He has strategically placed throughout the Bible to show us that 1) only He knows the future, and 2) that He alone is able to tell us all kinds of things, hundreds of years before they happen, and when they come true later, then He must be the God He claims to be--and since He is the God of the Bible then all the rest of His claims are true too—it’s not circular reasoning because no one else has ever done this nor will there ever be anyone else to do this, unless God talks to them or leads them through the power of His Holy Spirit, as He has done throughout the Bible--you try it--put 1,800 to 2,300 prophesies out of any other religion, philosophy or ideology, in one book written by 40 writers, over 1,400 years, with people from all walks of life (kings to farmers and sheep herders)—with complete prophetic proficiency—well, you can’t do it—that’s the point—only the God of the Bible has done it. By the way, God has already brought hundreds and hundreds of His prophesies to pass, and those that have come true, only point to the rest of His prophesies, that they all will come true in the future. Jesus has already fulfilled over 300 prophesies concerning His birth, life, death and resurrection—all written hundreds of years before they came to pass, by the Israelite people who rejected Him as that Messiah when He came into history—showing there was no prior collaboration with the Israelites to make up these prophesies.
He is real and we know because we are proof that He is real! We are God's creation, if God weren't real, we would've never been here. Also, God makes many miracles everyday that give testimony of his existence. God IS real! Even though we can't see him, that doesn't mean He's fake because He's not! We can't see air, yet its there! It's kinda the same with God, can't see Him, but He is certainly real! Never doubt, doubt is what keeps most people from becoming Christian. Don't fall because of doubt, keep your faith strong
We can't see God because He is so bright that if we see him, we will surely die. But He is there! He listens to you when you pray, and He is always looking after you. Jesus loves you. God bless you!
We build our faith in God by reading his word the bible. Romans 1:20 tells us his invisible qualities are clearly seen from creation onward, so that they are inexcusable. Which means that just by looking at creation, we know God exists. It's inexcusable to deny God. It might also help to read Genesis chapter 1, which tells how God created the heavens and the earth and the first humans. We wouldn't exist if God weren't real.
Once you get saved and start having faith. God will come in to your life and start to change you from the inside out. Through prayer god will speak to your and guide your heart. when i started to just give my self to christ and stop caring about the worries of this world god changed my life in so many ways that i have a testimony. i dont think he is real i "know" it