Computer Memory upgrade?

So i plan on buying RAM soon and i want to know. how much more memory do i need to be able to a play a MMORPG smoothly (like City of Heroes) My computer only has a standard 512 MB stick. i did the whole thing i just want to know whats reasonable to buy. thanks!


  • My vote is with 2 Gig of memory too.

    But, don't forget to also:

    Change your swapfile size to an initial AND max size of 4096. That's one of the simplest moves and biggest improvements in performance that I've seen.


    Good Luck!

  • You can run those games just fine with 1gb, but obviously, the more ram you buy now, the less you will need when games do yet another jump in ram.

    Just as a tip, I just bought some new ram, and when I went to the store they had .5 gb of ram on clearance for 20 bucks. A full gig of ram was eighty bucks. So I bought two half gig sticks for forty bucks instead. You might want to look for deals like that, depending on how many slots you have available.

  • This really depends on the computer that you have. I assume that you have Windows XP since you have 512 right now. I would go 2gb, this will give you plenty of power for now. Don't expect it to last much longer though, especially if you want to upgrade to Vista anytime soon.

  • Get a matched pair of RAM and max it out to the current limitation of the M'board & OS.

  • the bigger the better but less than 4 gigs cause 32bit OS can only handle less than 4 gigs, dual-channel config ( 2 same size of ram/identical)

  • You'll want a minimum of 2GB of RAM

    Go to Crucial and run their Scan utility>

    It will tell you exactly what RAM you need and how much your computer can handle.

  • You can buy 2 gigs for really cheap such as these:

    If you want more, but not as fast as the above ones, you could buy these:

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