Do my eyebrows look natural?

I lost about 95% of my eyebrows 4 months ago due to alopecia. Fortunately it only affected my eyebrows and not the hair on my head. Since then, I've been going w/o drawing on my eyebrows, but recently I've decided that I want to draw them on.I was wondering whether it looks natural in the pics? I've been practicing these past few days, so I know it's not the best.

If you look closely you can actually see light hairs where my eyebrows used to be. Ignore the gross zit by my eyebrow lol.


This is what my eyebrows look without the drawing them on.


  • Yes, they look very nice and natural. Nice shape too :))

  • 👍They look really nice.But always remember to start light and darken your eyebrows towards the end.Also to make them look even better you can use concealer 1-2 shades lighter than your skin tone to highlight your brows.Apply the concealer under and over your brows and you'll see how defined your brows look.Good luck! 😉

  • Yeah they look really nice and natural . They have a great shape!

  • No they look really natural, much better than some of the girls at my school who draw them on! :)

  • They look very natural!

  • They look a lot better than mine, which I attempted to pluck to look like yours but failed.

  • They look natural to me...

  • they look awesome! great job

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