Made up place names.?

Okay... Well, I'm trying to write a "story", if you will... And it's a fiction novel taking place back during the middle ages. However, I don't want to use a place like Europe or England or any country/place like that (airgo, it's a fiction novel). I've been reading books like "Lord of the Rings", "Eragon", etc., and I just keep wondering how they came up with those names. I've tried combining, and changing up countries, but they come out too cheesy, and just plain idiotic! Help? :D


  • There is no real formula to making up names for your settings. You just have to keep at it until one sounds right for your story.

  • Try looking or studying Scandinavian map places or cities. It gave me ideas naming my fictional places too. Likewise Eragon or The Lord of the Rings places/towns.

  • bill Gates & Warren Buffet - 2 best inner most charitable donators Albert Einstein - Inventor of regularly occurring relativity Charles Darwin - chanced on evolution Democritus - historic Greek, founding father of cutting-part democracy Andrew Carnegie - American Industrialist and philanthropist Alan Turing - inventor of cutting-part pc theory Francis Crick and James Watson - discoverers of DNA Peter Higgs, theoretical physicist, proposed the conception of the Higgs Gauge Bosson George Carlin - Comdedian Bruce Lee - the in effortless words human that may kick Chuck Norris's *** Stephen Hawking - Physicist on fringe of quantum gravity theory Mark Zuckerberg - founding father of facebook And enable us not forget Paul McCartney, George Harrison, John Lennon and Ringo Starr were all atheists.

  • Try using words from other languages like french or german and then just slightly changing them.

  • You should keep trying i am sure they are great :)

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