Is Texas QB Colt McCoy a legitimate NFL prospect?

He's put up some solid numbers at the University of Texas the past two years, although last year his performance dipped noticeably. Given his numbers and overall winning record, will Colt make it as an NFL Quarterback? Why or why not?


  • He has ideal size, but has had some issues with ball security. He gets a bad rap because of the press, who claims Colt regressed as a passer in 2007. Most people who follow him closely, though will tell you just the opposite: that while his numbers weren't as pretty, Colt grew twice as much in 2007 as in the previous year. He has become a mature player, a solid passer and runner, and above all a good game manager. Colt is bound to see more opportunity for good numbers this season. The reason they were so good in 2006 is because he was playing in a defending national champion offense that returned 9 starters. If he can develop a little more leadership, he will really turn heads when it comes time to enter the draft.

  • He actually reminds me a lot of Chris Simms. That being said, he is definetly a prospect, but probably not a first round pick. He has a nice arm, good mobility, but he hasn't improved much from his freshman year. If I am not mistaken, he has 2 more years to prove himself, so time will tell.

    To answer your question, NFL teams are keeping an eye on him, and he will be drafted. How high, time will tell. Personally, I think he has what it takes physically, I am not sure he has the drive. If he proves me wrong the next couple of years, he will be a top 10 pick.

  • no. Many QBs have amazing college careers but they aren't cut out for the NFL. Whether it's their size, strength, or ability to adapt some QBs just don't make it. Numbers mean very little in college football in terms of success in the pros. I don't see Colt McCoy playing in the pros just like i don't see Colton Brennan being successful as a QB in the NFL. Very few QBs have the ability to play at the top level.

  • He is one of the best QB's in college football he was only a Sophmore he will have a good year with texas but if he wants 2 get noticed a little more he needs 2 play all four college years

  • I dont him starting but he may be a career back up and he's a much better prospect than colt brennan though.

  • there are a lot of QBs and colt cant put up the numbers like the rest of them

  • Hell yeah baby! Longhorns are the best team in the world!

  • if he stays healthy maybe but right now i dont think so

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