Do you buy Tesco "value" stuff??

is it any good??? Saw a packet of noodles this morning for 8 pence!!!

Surely they cant taste good or can they???

I buy the tissues tho!

For non-British people this is the supermarket own brand economy stuff :)


  • yeah i do and i buy smart price stuff from asda heck i even shop at netto i dont give a damn as long as it tastes fine thats all that matters and i have a very limited budget

  • You can't. Corporate greed pushed our manufacturing base out of the country years ago. Almost nothing is made in America anymore. But at least CEO's are worth hundreds of millions of dollars as a result. After all, I'm sure they could never make do with only 50-75 million. Gotta have a good half a billion in the bank, you know. A swiss bank, most likely. The way some of these CEO's are compensated, you'd think they'd crap golden eggs instead of feces.

  • I sometimes buy Tesco own brands but never the value food stuff I read somewhere that the value stuff is full of salt and cheap cuts of meat etc

  • I buy Asda smart price things, the noodles are fine, just add either an beef or chicken oxo cube to the water and they taste absolutely fine, the only things I won't buy of supermarkets own brand is coffee, bread, loo rolls, soap powder and dog food, I'm a snob when it comes to those things.

  • A lot of the basics (flour, butter, pasta) in the Value range are exactly the same as those in the more expensive ranges. Tesco source their supplies as cheaply as possible and they're not going to pay more just so they can stick it in a more expensive packet. Don't touch Value prepared foods, they are made of flavoured, thickened sugar water.

  • thank you for reminding me of tesco, i used to go there when i was in britain to study english and buy vegan biscuits...i love tesco and i don't think it cannot have some not good stuff also because in this case you could denounce them and i don't think earning 8 pence is worth a denounce

  • I buy the kitchen Roll, usually only the non edible stuff, I find with own brand things (not always but a lot) that there's a whole load of added preservatives and fake cr@p, so I try and steer clear of it.

  • Only buy the tinned tomatoes because these are just as good as the ones that are 3 times the price. Haven't tried anything else

  • I think it was Which magazine who did a blind test of ketchup - 80% of ketchup sold is heinz, but in the blind test it was one of the less popular ones! The favourite flavour was the ALDI own brand, and it was about 1/10th the price of the Heinz version....

  • i buy the tesco value..

    tinned sweetcorn

    carton orange juice

    kids yogurts

    the pots of yogurt (they are single ones quite flat and round) they are the best ones only about 14p!

    also get the tesco value beef joints, my nan works for tesco and they are just the same as the higher priced stuff, its just that they have to have a different lable.

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