Gimme clue to attract gurls plzzzzzz.........?

Im from Jay Bee.18 years old n quite INTELLIGENT..also n athlete..favourite sports is 100m also quite naughty bt im intelligent


  • Humility is a virtue. If you let her know how smart you are, that's a real turn-off. You don't have to pretend to be dumb, but neither do you need to wear it like a neon sign on your forehead.

    If you want to attract girls, confidence in yourself as a person (not just in your intelligence) is important, but it's also important to not be self-absorbing. Don't try to impress her with what you know or what you've done. Impress her by maintaining good grooming and hygiene habits, smiling, being polite, opening doors for her, asking her about her, complimenting her.

    If she asks about something you've done that you're proud of, it's OK to tell her and to exude excitement about it. But don't go on and on and on. Nobody likes a blowhard.

    You'll get her when you get over yourself.

  • all of these very good qualities and most girls like the naughty romantic qu ality, myself included.=) be nice, sweet, gentle, slightly naughty, smart, funny, cute. and most importantly, dont be an asshole. ok

  • Just be yourself. Don't worry. They will come to you soon.

    If you have anymore questions e-mail me at:

    [email protected]

  • depends how naughty....use that to attract them socialize more

  • lol !! you're soo intelligent?! hehe..that's good !

    if u want to attract girls, be who u r. don't pretend to be someone u r not...n b kind to them ! n use your well....

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