Do catholic's use Psalms?

Do the catholic use Psalms? I read that they were only hebrew, Is this true?


  • All Christains use Psalms.

  • I'm not catholic my self, but I've made the effort to educate my self about all different kinds of religions... But personally I'm more of a spiritual person who believes in, embracing life!

    Interesting question!...I guess first of all, I'll start with whether or not catholics are only Hebrew!... People who come from all kinds of nationalities or cultural back grounds, choose to be catholic for all different reasons! So no it's not just Hebrews that are catholic! And yes they do study the bible but catholics are more focused on the, 'Rules and Regulations' of religion! So I guess they would read psalms too!

  • At mass, we often sing a Psalm between the first and second reading from the bible.

    We also have the Liturgy of the hours which is mainly the Psalms.

    We are taught that Jesus spent a lot of time singing the psalms as a regular part of his life.

  • Catholics do use the Psalms. As a matter, of fact they read/sing a psalm between the first and second readings at Mass.

  • Yes.

    Catholics pray the Psalms frequently. We even pray them at every Mass.

    The Psalms have been translated in every language just like the rest of the Bible.

    Here is an English translation of the Psalms:

    We even have a special type of prayer called the Liturgy of the Hours that includes many Psalms:

    With love in Christ.

  • All Christians use Psalms.

    For Catholics, the Psalm is generally sang in between the two bible readings.

  • Pious Catholics pray and sing a lot from the Psalms. So much inspirations is also extracted from them as they try to cope with their daily concerns.

  • Nope, they use psalms! Psalms are in all Cattholic translations of the Bible, and they are often actually sung or read during services.

  • Catholic services that I've gone to use Psalms. My Congregational church uses them more than any other Biblical text.

  • We pray and sing the Psalms everyday in Mass, in english I might add.

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