Why do Conservatives?

Always vote Republican, you could be Libertarian and still be Conservative.


  • Honest question, now for an honest answer.

    Look at the news, or even the web, you just do not find an abundance of information regarding the Libertarian Party, if one does not know that Bob Barr is running for President then how would they know to go and look for what his policies are ?

    One of my co-workers is President of the California Libertarian Party ( I may have that title messed up but he is very involved) this is the only way that I knew who your candidate is. I didn't even know that Ron Paul ran as a libertarian in 2004 until he told me.

    Now personally I like some of what Bob Barr represents but am totally against others such as his views on marriage, and I disagree with one aspect of his economy, namely cutting military spending as that would weaken our own defense.

    He is right on as far as energy goes but I do believe that the Patriot act is essential in catching terrorist actions.

    The biggest problem that we face in switching from a republican to a libertarian is that it takes votes away from

    John McCain and that would benefit Obama. If you are a libertarian, this is the year to sacrifice and vote to keep Obama and big government out of the White House.

    The Libertarian Party needs to raise funds so that they can purchase advertisement space so their candidate in well known, without that your party has little hope of ever winning.

  • I vote Republican because most of them have conservative values that are closer to what i believe than do the Libertarians. Besides that, a third party candidate has very little chance of winning in the election and I don't want to throw away an opportunity for my vote to count.

  • they don't always their still are conservative Democrats although they are the red headed step child of the Dem's

    just like the libertarians are the same for the reps all the moral neocons will sacrifice their morals and happily take log cabin Republican votes as long as they are quite, but they despise the libertarians because we are vocal and are trying to bring the party back to its core foundations

  • Many Republicans do not accept the anti-government stance of the Libertarians.....although they both want less government, they don't view "less" in the same way. Libertarians want less government for all aspects of life, while many Republicans want less government for the free-market areas, but have no problem with more government intervention in national security issues...which Libertarians would view as infringing on civil rights.

  • a libertarian is not a true conservative. A true conservative is someone who sticks to their core conservative values of being pro life, pro death penalty, smaller gov't, and less taxes. A libertarian may support some of those values but is not solidly behind all of them that are most important to republicans such as anti-abortion.

  • I'm a Libertarian. Last election, I voted for several Republicans, and several Libertarians. No Democrats, of course. I will probably vote for Bob Barr this year for president, since I think Obama has zero experience, and McCain is about as sharp as a bowling ball.

  • Not when it comes to supporting the military-industrial complex or civil liberties, you can't. You need to read up on the definition of libertarian. Real libertarians are horrified by the Bush administration.

  • Look.....Gays have tried to redefine the meaning of "marriage". I am just as annoyed by Libertarians who try to redefine "conservative".

    Conservatives don't support sodomy, gay marriage, abortion, or legalized drugs like Libertarians do.

    San Francisco has historically had the highest percentage of Libertarian votes in the country. Look it up. Libertarians are supported by Gays, Druggies, Anarchists and those who hate all forms of taxes. Look at their convention....those are not NORMAL Conservatives.

  • Libertarians were the original republicans... the live and let live, and then the religious conservatives took over

  • I am a Goldwater conservative, and therefore a registered Libertarian. I always vote anti-Marxist and therefore anti-Authoritarianist.

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