Is America's public school system a meritocracy?

I was just wondering if America's public schools is held responsible by the system of government based upon their demonstrated intelligence and ability. Are the public schools assigned to individuals of the government or an organization who are appointed responsibilities to ensure that the public school system is working properly. If so, is the public school system in good hands?


  • Secretary of Education Arne Duncan is the "good hands" our nation's public school system is now "in" as far as positive changes go. In order to remain competitive in today's global markets and economies, our educational system has to be UPGRADED. If you want a detailed look at Secretary Duncan's plans or his background and qualifications you can find one at

    Teachers are going to be "graded"; science and math programs are about to be made STATE-OF-THE-ART; there is now a program initiative that has been implemented called, "Race To The Top" which inspires young students to (a) stay in school, (b) apply themselves, and (c) make something special of their lives...but it does so in some very unique ways. Check it out.

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