How Do You Crash A Multiplayer Game Server?

How do you crash a TRANSFORMICE SERVER?

How can I crash it so moderators will reboot the servers?


Ok, Liquid Soluble you're the best answer PM me it now and let's wait for hours until the best answer button appears. :D


  • You could DOS attack it but you would have to know what your doing, and im gathering you dont since you have to ask the question in the first place, i would recommend you get over it and focus on something more productive. best answer me and ill PM about how to DOS attack if your really want to know.

  • tie the server to a car and crash it done or send a new virus or bug to desteoy it or for it to do so many loop infinite loop commands that is shuts down as in crash

  • why would u want to do that?? are u talking abt like xbox live or psn??

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