does a papsmear hurt?

i have never had one, but plan on getting one this year?....what does it feel like? bad does it hurt?


  • Hi Sweety,

    I'm not can't lie to you so you'll know exactly what to expect. You go into a room a nurse will be there, you have just a cloth

    gown on, u lay down at the very end of the Gurney Bed and there are 2 stirrups on each side of you, rather high, to place r feet in, the Dr. will lubricate a sterile instrument to go up r vagina, open it up while in there and take a swab, "it's during

    this time you take deep breathes in and out, repeatedly and try to think or focus on the ceiling, count the the tiles, anything

    just keep breathing in & out. One more thing, the more you tense up the worse the pain will be!!! Relax, relax, relax. Say a prayer or sing a song, as may be your first papsmear, but not your last. I wish you all the best, YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!

    Diana D 10-20 minutes tops & you're out a there!

  • Your very first one can hurt only because you're not used to it. You're not sure what to expect. It hurt a little for me, but it is different for everyone. It is real uncomfortable though. It can be very cold too. They try to warm up everything they use before hand, but usually it's still cold. It doesn't last very long though, which is really nice. If you get a good doctor then they experience might be a bit more comfortable and they will be as gentle as they can be. The dr. will usually talk to you during the whole thing as well to let you know what it going on. Unfortunately it is something all women have to go through.

  • For many women it does not. But for many others it can be uncomfortable. It depends on your body and it's tolerance in that area. Some women are just more sensitive than others. It also depends on how well the doctor does as well. For me I'm sore for a day or two. I'm also very sensitive. I can't tolerate certain things like scented tampons and what have you. Best thing to do is relax and do not be sexually active during that time you have it done if you are sexually active. This may make you more sensitive. When you do go maybe you can help me out on getting them to install flatscreens on the ceiling! You'll see what i'm mean after laying there for a while! lol. Best of luck! Don't stress it's not that bad, honestly!

  • It doesn't hurt but there might be some pressure. You should ask for a small sized instrument, this way it's not so uncomfortable.

    You might have spotting afterwards, but that is normal.

    Emptying your bladder before hand helps with pressure too.

    It's not that bad and it's only once a year so it's best to get it done.

  • It certainly isn't the most fun you'll ever have, but it's not because it hurts. It's basically like inserting a q-tip into your nose and swabbing it. The gyn is just going to use a swab to get some cells and put them on a slide. It's not the most fun you'll ever have, but it certainly doesnt hurt. The most pressure you will feel is from the speculum, which is the tool your gyn will insert into your vagina so that they can see.

  • They typically don't hurt but, if you are really tense and nervous, it might feel a little uncomfortable because your muscles are tight. It may sound cliche, but you just need to relax and you will not feel a thing. They really only take about 2 minutes to complete.

  • No it doesn't hurt. I normally don't feel anything (other then them using the speculum but that doesnt' hurt) Only once did I feel a little bit of a prick but it was a bad Dr i think because I spotted a little bit after that.

  • No it doesn't hurt.. it may be a bit uncomfortable but it doens't hurt. You may tense up a bit so remember to relax..

    Remember for that little bit of uncomfortableness could save your life

  • I wouldn't say it hurts but it is uncomfortable and lets face it it is embarrassing. It doesn't take long either but I would suggest that if you are getting one find a female doctor.

  • Good for you for taking care of your health! It doesn't hurt, it's a little uncomfortable and there is a little pressure when it's being done but then it is all over!

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