Is President Obama doing a decent job so far ?

Hes not amazing yet but he has kept his a lot of his campaign promises


  • He has proven in this short time that he is inexperienced and an idealog - not a surprise. He has also shown that he intends to take the country in a very leftward way even though running as a centrist who would govern from the middle - also not a surprise.

    I don't have any hopes and the only change I anticipate is what will be left after massive tax increases.

  • Generally I support him, but he did something the other day I thought was a little shisty.

    When he saw his first version of the Reinvestment Act wasn't going to make it past the Senate - he tried to convince people that there would be measures added to "let the air out of the golden parachutes."

    It turned out that there was some "fine print" in his statements. Very few top executives would be effected by his new amendments to the bill. Even the more liberal news agencies pointed this out.

    He was trying to be slick with us.

  • His administration is already imploding in on itself. Are you kidding? This has been the roughest start to any administration in history! This 1.2 Trillion dollar "economic stimulus" package is a mockery! He's invading corporate business and making government rules in places that they don't belong. He's creating RIDICULOUS policies that have no effect on the economy and operating on a true liberal agenda. I can't believe anyone couldn't see this! My only question is, when are all the people going to start taking the 'Oboma / Biden' stickers off their car in shame. It will be sooner than later, trust me.

  • I wouldn't want the job. I truely don't think anyone can do the job.Anyone that has tried has been bashed about one thing or another. I think he is trying real hard to make changes.To make things better.Bring jobs back home.Screw free trade.

  • No. He needs to meet with the senators and do something to get the stimulus bill passed, instead he just throws around a lot of threats.

  • In his first 2 weeks all I see is a bill with more pork than ever before...what happend to the change he promised.... I hope this is not it cause we won`t be able to afford this kind of change for long

  • With the frequency that he keeps stepping on his crank, I hold little hope for the next 2 years.

  • i've been very happy with the bills he's signed so far, and mandates hes put out. i wish the bi-partisan thing was working out better (and thats a criticizing all parties involved) but so far i've gotten what i realistically expected

  • what has he done that benefits us? also, I don't like his choices for his cabinet and I don't like the stimulus package which is filled with unnecessary spending

  • He is trying, but the GOP don't want him to succeed so they block his attempts at every opportunity.

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