Daddy Daughter?

How common is it for teen age (13-16) girls to fanitsize about being with their fathers?


  • U are weired! Having satanic and evil thoughts. No religion can preach, teach, allow or permits such sick and ir-respectable relationship.

  • Only a mentally ill girl would think that way. At the age of 2 or 3 they want to marry their daddy. After that, it's just sick.

  • I would say it's only common in Frued's mind. Normally women/girls do not look to their father's for that type of relationship. However, it seems as thought women tend to find men who are a lot like their fathers to have serious long term relationships with.

  • Not very common! Strictly for fantasy writers!

  • ok ew thats a lil gross im 16 and i have NEVER thought of my dad that way if i did i think i would need therapy or something if you or your daughter is thinking of this i think you or her should go to a therapist thats pretty wrong i would say

  • not sure who is thinking about who but for starters it is nasty as hell then you have the fact that it is morally wrong and then there is also the fact that it is LEGALLY you not realize that you or her or both of you need help.this is somthing that will destroy this girls life should it happen.this one upset me so much i do not even know what else to say to you

  • A real daddy and daughter, not a fantasy? eeeewwww, WRONG!

  • I don't know ask Jerry Springer that is sick. See a shrink asap, because it sounds like you have some issues.

  • Seek therapy now. It's abnormal!

  • well I dont' think that is common, but then my dad was mean back then

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