How do I add coffee to a recipe?

I'm going to make some mocha fudge brownies, and when recipe calls for 2 tablespoons of coffee. Does this mean I add 2 tablespoons of brewed coffee, or 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds? Also, what kind of coffee would be best for this?


  • You won't add coffee grounds, that we be awful. Brew the coffee very strong. Then, measure 2 tablespoons of the cooled brewed coffee. Or, read the recipe to see if it is asking for instant coffee crystals.

  • It can mean either brewed coffee or instant coffee granules. i would go with the instant coffee though. i do that a lot to my chocolate cakes to enhance the chocolate flavor.

  • I do this often when baking. I use a mocha coffee for chocolate cakes or brownies and I use a creme brulee coffee when making pineapple upside down cake.

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