Why do republicans boo at debates?


Recall or show me where the democrats have acted like that.


  • This is actually new. In past elections, they did not do that. Part of what is going on is that the republican party is splintered. You've got the mainstream republicans, the tea party, Libertarians, fundamentalism christians, and big business trying to flex their respective muscles. Some of these groups have always been around but they haven't been doing any power struggle. What you are mostly hearing is the opposing groups have at it. The tea party in particular (IMO). You are also hearing it when the candidates are going back to their old attack rhetoric which doesn't really mean anything. I do believe you will not see this after a candidate is chosen and the debate between President Obama and whatever the republican candidate is going to be. z

  • Democrats have always done the same thing so maybe if they stop it the republicans will or maybe both parties will continue to act like spoiled babies.

  • I'll let you know when I hear one.

    Anyway it beats getting shouted down during a Democratic "debate".

  • What the first guy said.

  • Probably at any Obama debate.. Frankly speaking every American should be Booing Obama every place he goes....

    † FNS †

  • Because the mediators are Obama supporters

  • Bc the questions being asked are so obviously biased.

  • It's been MY experience that people "boo" to express extreme displeasure

  • Why do liberals boo-boo on cop cars and sidewalks when they're protesting.

  • because Republicans are babies

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