innocence does not equal ignorance.?

My youngest daughter is so innocent. She sees the good in everyone around her even those I have a hard time seeing.

She has inspired me many times with her thought process.

Sometimes her innocent wisdom surpasses my own.

I used to believe that ignorance ment innocent but I have come to realize this is not the case.

Has your child ever astonished you with their wisdom.

The other day my daughter (7yrs old)was outside looking at the clouds and noticing the shapes of them all........she saw angels and bunnies and teddy bears and birds........all good things. She started to tell me about a boy at school who was very mean to all the other kids and how when he looks at the clouds he sees bad things. She then explained that it wasnt because he wanted to be mean but that he is afraid of people hurting his feelings , then she said its not that he wants to see bad things in the clouds its just that he cannot see the good things.


Kenyai I asked did anyone else ever have there child or a child astonish them with their innocent wisdom


  • Wow! You have a wonderful child. May she continue to be an inspiration and a blessing to you.

  • Cynicism doesnt equel enlightenment(wide members arent always so smart).

    More often in 50/50 calls the generous/charitable call is the right one because people are basically good,

    We are born without fear,fear is a learned thing,all the negative judgement calls are learned.

    People are basically good.

    Even if a generous call is the wrong one good can still come from this.


  • you have a buetiful child, dont leave her around the wrong people. Many people will be very jealous of her. no innocence doesn't mean ignorance at all. Some people are trained to look the other way.

  • it is may be more the case of pure vision than innocence

    if you believe in karma you know we born with that potentiality but when we are child our ego is less strong and we are more spontaneus and free. Sure your child is may be karmically already more pure than others, our nature it is all the same but we have different levels of manifestation accordin to our karma

  • That sounds very inspiring. Your daughter sounds wise beyond her years!

    Innocence does not equal ignorance in my opinion. Being biased and naive can, though, if you ask me.

  • I tend to agree with your initial assertion, but it is still worded more like an opinion than a question.

  • innocense and ignorange are different although share much of the same quallities

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