Umbilical granuloma?

Went to the doctor today and found out Noah has an umbilical granuloma. The doctor treated it with silver nitrate and said it should fall off but if it doesn't we'll have to do another treatment.

Has anyone else experienced this? And, if so, did the treatments work? I only ask because I read that if treating it with the silver nitrate doesn't work then it requires minor surgery.

Also, while I'm asking, when did you transition your baby from your room to their own? Noah will be 6 weeks on Friday and I don't think I'm quite yet comfortable with doing so but was just wondering when you other mommies did. Thanks!


  • I did a little research on the umbilical granuloma and it seems that the silver nitrate usually works the first time. Good luck with that. With my daughter, we moved her into her own room at about 4 months when I was comfortable that she could sleep the whole night and her bassinet was getting small for her. I did use a baby monitor though while she was in her own room but only the monitor on loud enough to hear her cry and so I couldn't hear every single little sound she made (which can keep you up). My son is 3 weeks old and I will try to keep him in my room for at least 4 months as long as he's comfortable.

  • I'm sorry but I haven't experienced the Umbilical granuloma but in regard to putting Noah in his own room.....

    The advice from The WHO is that babies sleep in their parents bedroom for the first 6 mths of life as this can help reduce the risk of SIDs.

    We put our son in his own bedroom at 6 mths and will leave our 4mth old daughter in with us for the next 2 mths then move her.

    It's a nightmare really as they move or wriggle and wake us up...we then move and that wakes them up even more!

    It's only for 6mths though so hey....!

    Congrats by the way! x

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