lol i thought u meant recess the cartoon o.O I loved that cartoon fav episode when Gus was El Diablo in dodge ball lmao, anywho to answer ur questions properly i do miss it playin basketball and football along with that frisbee game where u had to knock the ball off the cone
Well enjoy the rest of ur nite and have a great upcommin day
lol i thought u meant recess the cartoon o.O I loved that cartoon fav episode when Gus was El Diablo in dodge ball lmao, anywho to answer ur questions properly i do miss it
playin basketball and football along with that frisbee game where u had to knock the ball off the cone 
Well enjoy the rest of ur nite and have a great upcommin day
To hell with recess I miss nap time!!
MAN do i miss it! Tether-ball was the way to go!
Or imitate a soap opera from the night before... i find that weird now. hah!
Ah, yes. Playing on the playground, and talking with friends.
Hopscotch and kickball! Those were the days...
yes i do. kick ball was my favorite