Do pugs shed quite a bit?

I've wanted a pug for a very long time. I think they're the cutest little dogs, and I'd love to adopt one in the near future. My question is; do they shed a lot? I'm not a fan of hair on clothing. My best friend has a sheep dog, who sheds like mad, and the hair is difficult to get off, even after washing.

I've heard that pugs do shed quite a bit - but that their hair is more coarse, and isn't as difficult to remove from clothing. Honestly, even if that's not the case, and they do shed like mad, I won't let that stop me from adopting a pug. It'd be nice to know though. (: Thanks!


  • pugs shed a lot ... every day, every day of the year ... some breeds only shed twice a year ... and it is hard to get off ... i dog sit two pugs for six weeks about three times a year and they are the only dogs that i dog sit in which i cover my furniture with sheets so it is easier to wash when they leave ... i did not cover one fabric living room chair one time and i vacuumed it every week for months before all the pug fur was gone ... if you do not care for shedding, i would not suggest a pug ...

  • Pugs do shed but you can manage shedding by feeding a diet that is high in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. This will maintain a healthy skin and coat which will translate into less shedding.

    I would also recommend regular grooming to keep shedding under control.

    Luckily, pugs arent very big dogs so even if they do shed, its not going to be anything like your friend's sheep dog :)

    Good luck!


    Pet Nutrition Specialist


  • Yes, as a dog groomer I can tell you that Pugs shed A LOT! And the short hair is splintery and will weave itself into your clothes. There are brushes and tools you can use to reduce the shedding, just know that nothing stops the shedding entirely.

    If/when you get your new dog, ask a groomer what brush or tool is best for your dog (Pug or otherwise).

    Have a good day!


  • pugs shed a lot, so the mixture could probably shed a lot. Petshops are a foul place to get a canine. This canine will not likely be solid for somebody with hypersensitive reactions No such undertaking as a canine that "doesnt shed" all canine shed to three degree.. and there is not any assure with mixes as to how plenty.

  • Yes, they do. A friend of mine has several pugs and she doesn't even like to wear black anymore because she'll have hair all over her clothes.

  • Yes. I have one

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