how to destroy a monitor?

i owna crt monitor and a i have become bored out of it so i asked my dad to upgrade me to an lcd one. ut he said that use the crt one as long as u can then he would change it..

can any one please tell me how to destroy a monitor without being noticed???/


  • use it till it dies. If it acts up, pray that God fixes it. He might. If He doesn't, then replace it. why would you want to waste your dad's money? money is tight these days, and resources are precious. $$$ don't come cheap my friend.

    that bit about pouring water into a monitor: there is about 30,000V in the back of that monitor, and pouring water in it is sure to really electrocute you and knock you across the room or stop your heart. don't do it. you will hear a loud POP and your lights will go out in more ways than one.

  • Do you really think your dad is so dumb he won't think it's suspicious that your monitor stops working shortly after he didn't want to replace it for you? If I was him I'd buy you the teensiest nastiest lcd I could find. Or better still I'd go get another old CRT, crummier than the first one, from a charity shop or something, and tell you to save up for something better if you really wanted it.

  • kid. you are what is wrong with this country

    get a job.

    honestly i hope you successfully sabotage your monitor and your dad doesn't get you a new one, because if you were my child and your monitor suddenly "stopped working" under those circumstances, i'd lock you in a room with a rubiks cube until you were 18

  • You can turn on/off repeatedly or plug / unplug. Guess this will burn your monitor sooner or later. You better use something to protect your face... Just in case

  • You could "accidentally" spill some water into it. Be ready to pull the power plug though, as it will surely cause a fire.

  • guys dont suggest water or juice it can cause FIRE...

    <bring a powerful magnet and rub it continuously on screen>

  • A powerful magnet would do it all

  • best way is to break some pins in signal cable.

  • spill some juice on it

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