Creflo Dollar?

In the past each time my husband offends me, i would talk and confront him, but of late each time he does something wrong, a voice tells me to just pray againt what he has done and to forgive and love him please help me in this area


  • prayer does help i've prayed a many of times when my husband did anything wrong I've recently prayed for my marriage and things seem to looking up .Pray,Pray,Pray you will see results.

  • Pray but its only fair for your relationship to explain to him exactly how you feel. Read Matthew 18:15-17

    He needs to be confronted. (As well as prayed for) Else you will end up as a victim

  • It is true you should forgive him because Jesus specifically said to forgive your enemies 70 times 7 which in logical terms means all the time. Because in the prayer Our Father (we ask God to forgive us this day our trespasses as we forgive) now if we always want God to forgive us shouldn't we also forgive those who wrong us as often as possible, because God's mercy and faithfulness is from everlasting to everlasting.

    Do unto others as you want them to do unto you. So forgive him with a open heart sincerely and let God take care of the rest.

  • it is true if we didn't react to being offended, we might have a different marriage. yes if i had it to do over again i would have put my pride away, and just prayed when i felt hurt. good luck

  • Nawwwwww, you need to listen to Pastor Benny Hinn. All the sweet saints follow him.

  • The last thing you need is to be listening to people on her and then mix it with your prayer life.

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