How do Freemasons affect politics?

I have to do a project report on this topic. Please, give me some information if you know.


  • Unless you are a Freemason, you will never know.

    They are a powerful group of influential and ordinary people and who belong to basically a secret society which subscribes to codes of behavior and ethics.

    The following were noted as US Presidents who were also Freemasons

    George Washington

    James Monroe

    Andrew Jackson

    James Polk

    James Buchanan

    Andrew Johnson

    James Garfield

    William McKinley

    Theodore Roosevelt

    Howard Taft

    Warren Harding

    Franklin Roosevelt

    Harry Truman

    Gerald Ford

    See attached for more information.

  • They don't

    As has already been stated an individual politician may be a Freemason.

    But Freemasonry as an organisation does not get involved in politics

    I am a Freemason

  • I find it hard to believe any teacher would assign such a vague, undefined topic...and regardless, you should be doing your research at the library, not asking strangers on the internet. However, since you're already here...

    The answer is: in no way at all. Freemasonry is only a fraternity and does not get involved in politics or matters of state. In fact, politics is a banned subject at Masonic lodge meetings, and it is strictly prohibited for the fraternity to endorse political parties or candidates for public office, or to influence legislation. It wouldn't even be possible for the fraternity to do so anyway, because Freemasons represent a wide spectrum of political the members would never be able to agree on how to affect politics. Heck, we can't even agree on which caterer to hire for our dinner service, let alone how to influence an election.

    Some public officials may be Freemasons, but that is only coincidental. Since Freemasonry represents a wide variety of professions and vocations, some Freemasons are bound to be public officials. But most are just regular workers like you and me. The fact that some public officials are Masons is no more significant than the fact that some public officials belong to racquetball clubs. And in fact, since so many people believe the absurd conspiracy theories about Freemasonry, most politicians would probably consider membership in a Masonic lodge to be a political liability and would choose not to join to avoid the controversy.

  • Freemasons, as a fraternity, do not affect politics.

    However, if the individual Freemason is a politician, the that person can affect politics.

  • As a fraternity, they don't. As an individual, they can be as influential as any other citizen.

    Freemasonry is a social fraternity. Politics is not allowed to be discussed in Lodge.


    - Freemasonry isn't a 'powerful group' at all.

    - Freemasonry isn't 'basically a secret society.'

    - Freemasonry doesn't subscribe to 'codes of behavior and ethics' at all. Freemasonry is a social fraternity made up of good men who strive to be better men. That's it.

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