Has Obama really brought pride to America?

In reading the Yahoo news, I see where in Kenya they can now apply for American aid to teach women to kill their babies as family planning. No longer are they going to have to use birth control as family planning, because now they can have American funded abortions instead. Does this give you a warm feeling and pride in America? State sanctioned murder - America's HOPE and CHANGE brought to you by Obama.


  • liberals don't care about killing innocent babies-but don't use a plastic bag to get groceries! And don't cut funding to the arts! A human being? Aww, who cares. Yeah, liberals pretty much suck like that.

  • Bringing united statesa. at the same time will be almost no longer obtainable regardless of each thing the wear and tear and tear the Bully Bush gang has accomplished. Do you ask your self why the monetary device is interior the Iraqi bathroom? Spending 10 billion a month for 5 years has a tendency to seize up with you, hi. And republicans, what did that purchase you? Senile previous McLame only needs extra of a similar. Obama is so a lot extra proper. an brisk, useful attitude for a substitute. 2 hundred,000 Obama maniacs cherished him in Germany, even as McGrumpy fumed interior the cheese aisle of a food market and wrote smear classified ads. The King of Jordan stated of Obama, "This guy receives it!". Obama 08!

  • Not pride to American's who are not black. Only knitger pride I guess but not for me champ. I am embarrassed everytime I see him on the television as it makes the rest of the world think of America as having one of those African leaders such as Sudan or Liberia or South Africa such as that communist Mandela who run countries into the ground. Nothing against Obama, but think about it, how many countries have there ever been in the world, in the past, or currently, who have had a black leader who didn't f*ck things up royally? The answer is (0) zero! Black leader always seem compelled to become power trips leaders and greedy and live just for the excitement of their entourage. Look what he did, he already spent $150 M on his inaugural day and already has a budget which is 30% higher than any other budget presented to the people in the History of the US and he is hiding the term of "budget" and calling it a "stimulus package". What a knitger nightmare we got ourselves into this time around. Thanks Bush for f*cking things up so bad that we ended up with a black leader who really is going to screw things up for and it will be something that we can never get out of. China and Russian, who hate Obama, are sitting over there laughing their asses off at the America right at the moment I heard through very credible sources who know their governments very well.

  • Yes, this will definately make more jobs...for the Doctors and Pharmeceutical companies, that endorsed Obamaand funded his campaign.

    I am just busting with pride

  • I have been and always will be proud of America. Even with BO as our president, I am still proud. I am not proud of his ridiculous "stimulus" plan (it will not stimulate the economy). I am not proud that my president wants to support aborting babies, not just in the US, but also abroad with MY taxes. I am not proud that my president went to a racist church for 20 years and denies knowing it. I am not proud that my president started his political career with a domestic terrorist. But I believe in my country, its history and strength. We will live through this. We lived through Jimmy Carter!!!

  • Absa-freaking-lutley!

  • Try shame

  • No, he has brought shame to America!!

  • No, he isn't even presidential material.

  • He has made many proud, but will his fortunes sink as the American economy and American power sink?

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