Flip flops or shoes or no shoes?

Flip flops for me year 'round... I live down south doesnt get cold really...

I hate socks and I never wear them when I exercise I run along the beach barefoot ;)

"Sun tanned toes tickling the sand.." ;)


  • Same as you...Flip flops. I live in the south and wear shorts or skirts all year around and Flip flops.... Then a sweater. You never know from day to day what the temp. is going to be

  • Flip flops for me too. I live in the south too, and would much rather show off my pedicure than to have to cover them with shoes. I go barefoot most of the time though.

  • No shoes all the way unless u plan on walking on broken glass or rusty nails or somethin like that, then barefoot is at the bottom of the list

  • Summer~Sandals

    Winter~Shoes & Hiking Boots

  • Flip flops. I am from the south too.

  • My girlfriend wears flip flops. I think it's really sexy. I love them. I wear sandals as much as I can but I love her in her flip flops.

  • flip flops at school and everywhere else, runners in gym and PE and winter, no shoes at home or outside in the summer

  • I like shoes, I wear them even in the summer

  • i can also wear flip flops all year round. it's great.

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