How do Republicans explain Huckabee’s epic flip-flop on contraceptive coverage?

Huckabee signed state legislation in 2005 that required all health insurance plans providing prescription drug coverage to cover contraceptive drugs and devices as well. According to the Arkansas Times, Huckabee's exemption for religious organizations was actually narrower than the exemption in the Affordable Care Act:

But like the original federal regulation proposed by Obama, the Arkansas law did not exempt church-affiliated hospitals and universities. It exempts only "religious employers" that are nonprofit organizations whose primary mission is "the inculcation of religious values," and primarily employ people who share the same religion, a standard few Catholic hospitals meet.

Interestingly, when the whole health reform debate was happening back in 2009, we discovered that the RNC’s own insurance plan COVERED ABORTION. Yeah - they quickly changed it once it became know.

I don’t know - it sure seems to me Republicans were once sane, but chose to be against “everything Obama” since he came into office. What say you?


I KNEW some righty would bring up the Benghazi “scandal,” which isn’t a scandal.

Amazing. We speak something completely true. Just facts. Republicans counter with outright lies. LIes that have been long since debunked.

Why don’t righties EVER care about the truth?


  • Oh, picky, picky, picky...what difference does it make? Obamacare is a cancer metastasiing throughout our entire Country, not just one State. Sensible Americans are fighting Obamas healthcare invasion. Republicans being against everything Obama is absolute proof of their sanity.

  • Of course Huckabee did not write the legislation and must not of seen enough wrong with it to warrant a veto.

    In his position as a pastor I'm sure he is of the belief that religious organizations should not be forced to buy a product that goes against their beliefs and rightfully so.

    And yes healthcare is a product/service and not a right.

    As for the GOP what the reason for any outward expression of insanity is I do not know for sure but I suspect greed. So called "right to work" is one such example.

    Being a lifelong Democrat I am better versed on the insanity within my party.

    In my experience it seems that after Kennedy things got really weird at the national level.

    The similarity of the Democratic platform and the Socialist platform is one such example.

    Obama never had a chance as he was just picked up by the big boys, packaged and sold very successfully. The man has been labeled as a "corrupt puppet" a very unflattering term that I am still trying to figure out how to dispute.

    A large percentage of the population were convinced that they could vote themselves benefits from the treasury. Double the food stamps, free cell phones etc. and they voted in droves. And it worked.

    It seems that I myself am against almost "everything Obama" but of course I knew that was going to be the case.

    Very confused and irritated says me.

    Thank you for the question as it is a very good one.

  • Huckabee disgusts me even more than some democrats sometimes. Its not that I don't disagree with him, but the fact that he always brings religion into politics. I find that abhorring, and do not think that politics is any place for religion to be discussed. After all, our country was founded on a separation of politics and religion as a fundamental canon; something people like Mike Huckabee like to neglect. I don't agree with people going overboard and demanding that historical landmarks be sandblasted and removed, but do think that people in congress should be censored if they want to bring religion up. There are ways to talk about issues that religious constituencies care about without directly bringing up the talking point that they are religious in nature. I absolutely dislike Huckabee-ok, enough already!

  • Why do Republicans have to explain it? Huckabee is a man with his own views. He's free to change his views. That doesn't mean Republicans should be compelled to 'defend' his views. He's neither an incumbent politician nor actively running for office. He's a former governor with a TV show.

  • Who cares what Huckabee did?...LOL! In a country that prides itself on religious freedom two wrongs don't make a right....LOL!

    Edit: Regarding the Benghazi diatribe.....I don't feel it necessary to defend Huckabee, but I sure saw evidence of "hurt feelings" for Hillary and Obama....LOL! It is absolutely true that they both hung those four people out to dry....

  • They won't explain. They'll deflect, insult, project and jeer. Just watch.....Assuming they answer at all.

    EDIT: Did I nail it, or what? What legitimately frightens me is the dawning realization that they really don't see it; they don't realize how irrational they sound. I try so hard to believe that the outrageous, absolutist, incoherent rhetoric is just show and bluster; a game of "dozens". But it's getting really hard to convince myself. It reminds me (and I mean this VERY seriously) of a schizophrenic, descending into madness. They need to get a grip and return to reality. Obama is not a tyrant. We're not out to "get" them. We're not coming for their guns, or taking them to internment camps, or bent on destruction. I'm a mother of 4, married 33 years. I'm disabled. I'm a human being. I make really good cheesecake. Please, Republicans/Tea Party/Conservatives, I'm begging you. Take a moment and apply some objectivity to your paranoia before it eats you alive.

  • He is a politician. Flip-flopping is not exclusive to Republicans.

    edit: I can name a couple of times Obama did it then I am sure someone could counter with a Republican flip-flop. Then I can bring up a Democrat flip-flop then we can trace it back to before the 1960s then it turns into a gray area.

  • Mike Huckabee lives in his own little world. Be careful if you get too close to it you will be sucked into it's gravitational field and spun violently to the right.

  • This isn't flip flopping. It's outright lying and complete hypocrisy on the part of republicans.

  • How do democrats explain the Obama Bengazi scandal? Oh right. They don't. Time for another distraction!

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