Skate park problem.....?

Alright, so i got a skateboard like 2months ago, and have pretty much just been practicing on my carpet, and a little in my driveway. I really want to go to a skate park and practice, but since im a begginner, i know the other skaters will make fun of me. Trust me, skaters these days think their the **** and make fun of anyone else worst than them. Im like mastering my ollies currently, but on nonmoving surface still. Obviously i can go at a time where ther's no one at the park. Please dont give me answers like just go and ignore them. Also since its in my city, and some of the skaters from school might be there, theyre gonna talk **** about me even more. Any advice


  • Your question makes me sad and angry. Maybe my experiences at skateparks have been an exception, but all of the experiences at skateparks, especially mine have all been very positive. If your skate scene is really like that, I wouldn't even skate there.

    Since most skaters have little external support from the outside, yes mist skaters are considered outcasts and misfits, they have to look internally, to other skaters for support.

    Sure there are a few skaters that think they are the shiznit, but still most of them don't make fun of other skaters. Yes they might laugh at you if you do something stupid, like falling off a spine and ending up tripping and falling into the bowl. It happened to me and when I got out of the bowl, there were about 10 people laughing, including myself. No one thought any less of me.

    I think you might be overly concerned about how others perceive you and you lack confidence in your skating skills. How do you know other skaters will make fun of you and talk smack at school without experiencing it. A skatepark can be intimidating, especially a large one.

    First, ride your bike over to the park to scope it out. You can learn a lot from just watching and see if your fears are imaginary or real. Then go with a group of buds and make sure one of them is a good skater and who goes to the park regularly. You will be able to learn how the park works, or flows and how to not be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If the park has a beginners section, then stick to it until you have a better grasp on skating.

    When you go to the park, wear what you normally wear to school. Don't go out and buy a while new skate wardrobe. It might make you an easy target for those very few individuals that want to cause trouble for other skaters. Once you get better, then develop your own steez.

    If the skatepark is too much for you, practice on parking lots, or any other large flat surface. You can buy ramps, rails and boxes from skate shops or large chain sporting goods stores. Set it up in your driveway or street, if it's not busy and skate. You might make some new friends.

    Hey, you are always welcome at my park.

  • Well, since you don't want to hear the "just go and ignore them" what are your other options? Do you have a sidewalk in front of your house? Do you live in a cul-de-sac or a street with no traffic? Do any of your friends have a place like that?

    Is there an outdoor park (not skate park) that allows skateboards? Maybe some tennis courts or an outdoor basketball court. Wherever you go, just make sure it's allowed.

    Once you find a place, practice practice practice. I hope that eventually you feel comfortable enough to go and hang out when other kids are around. That way you can watch and learn from them, and you can show them what you can do.

    When you do go, don't try to show off right away, stick to what you know and get comfortable having people watch you. Once you are confident, rip it up.

    Other than that, I hate to tell you what you already know, but some kids just suck. It's part of growing up. There's always going to be at least one mean kid in every group, just make sure that mean kid isn't ever you.

  • I stay away from skateparks they don't offer me a whole lot, I do go sometimes but I'd rather skate the streets. If you're scared of them then don't go just yet. skate your streets learn to ollie good while moving learn to skate good. I always say to newbies to stay away from the parks at first if you get in others way then they will hate you just as much. They all forget they were newbies once too. get some tricks down, but remember not everyone a the park will be that way, some people there will even help you out if you need it. those people are true skateboarders, we don't all bite so if you want you can go down there and check it out ad just not skate that day or go when it isn't crowded.

  • get some friends that skate and build a ramp or a funbox. If you know somebody who welds have them fabricate a rail for you. Once you think you don't suck enough to get made fun of go to the park. But just by watching and being around better skaters it will push you to become a better skater. So just go to the park.

  • my first time at a skate park i just watched others and me and the kids who wernt that good hung out and tried to skate

    and the kids who were good tried to help us out

    so find people like that or go with friends

  • wht i did was just skate around town and sometimes near the skatepark and if no 1 was there, me and my friends (that were equally as bad) would go in. and 1ce i felt comfortable w/ going w/ othr ppl there, i did

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