Newborn's umbilical cord?

What are the signs that a new born's umbilical cord is about to fall off? My baby is 4 weeks old but the umbilical cord has not fallen off yet. I have noticed some brownish yellow discharge inside the stump. It does not smell and doesn't seem to be hurting her. No fever either. Is it a sign of infection or something else?


  • You need to get in there and clean it. I'm surprised your pediatrician hasn't cauterized it yet to help it fall out.

    Use a q-tip or alcohol pad and get behind the stump with alcohol. It is not going to hurt baby, it's just cold. Blow a little to make sure it's really dried out. Do this every diaper change and it should fall if very shortly.

    Most cords fall off within the first 11 days of birth. I wasn't cleaning my kids (twins) properly because I didn't know and at their 1 week appointment my pediatrician cleaned and cauterized them. I then cleaned the stumps all the time and they fell off within the next two days.

    Browinish yellow discharge is normal, even for a little while after the stump is gone.

  • That's not normal. I don't think any kind discharge should be coming from it...maybe a little bit of blood...but brown yellow discharge doesn't sound right. Have you been keeping it clean with alcohol wipes? Also..if you are giving your baby baths in the should discontinue that because that's one way you can get it infected when the baby is sitting in the water. You should bathe your baby in running water or by washcloth. If I were you I would contact the pedi...don't wait until she has a fever or other signs of something really being wrong.

  • * Keep the stump clean. Parents were once instructed to swab the stump with rubbing alcohol after every diaper change. Researchers now say the stump may heal faster if left alone. If the stump becomes dirty or sticky, wash it with soap and water and dry it well. Hold a clean, absorbent cloth around the stump or use the low setting on a hair dryer, being careful to hold the dryer a safe distance from the baby.

    * Keep the stump dry. Expose the stump to air to help dry out the base. Keep the front of your baby's diaper folded down to avoid covering the stump. Change wet or soiled diapers quickly to prevent irritation. In warm weather, dress your baby in a diaper and T-shirt to improve air circulation.

    * Stick with sponge baths. Sponge baths may be most practical during the healing process. When the stump falls off, you can bathe your baby in a baby tub or sink.

    * Let the stump fall off on its own. Resist the temptation to pull off the stump yourself, even if it's hanging on by only a thread.

  • To my knowledge the umbilical cord is supposed to fall off between 7-10 days after birth. My daughters fell off at about the 10 day mark. Have you been wiping it down with alcohol wipes? That should help it along. You should also make sure you are keeping it dry. Maybe you should call your pediatrician to see if that is normal.

  • Thats normal. When my daughter's umbilical cord fell off it took a little more time for her navel to finish healing. But the blood was darker I would ask a doctor about it if its bright red like she just got cut.

  • yes it can be a sign of infection b/c discharge isn't supposed to come out of the umbillical cord.and r u cleaning it out regularly with alcohol and not giving her real baths but sponge baths.if not that could be the problem.u should go c her pedatrition 2 make sure though.congrats on the beautiful budle of joy!!!

  • clean it with alcohol twice a day and after bath. My daughters started to smell very bad for couple of days with mild discharge. then after 2 days of cleaning with alcohol it came off.

  • no its most likely okay my daughters did that right before it came out

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