How do you dress?

What foot do you put your socks on first and the same with you pant legs


  • i put my right sock on first and my left leg in my pants first , but only sometimes.

  • I always put my right leg into my pants first, I don't care which sock goes on first- whichever foot is closest.

  • I typically dress my right side first then my left, top to bottom after the skivvies and socks are on.

  • I don't have a particular WAY I put my clothes on, but I have to wear my Jeans and boots. It is just a must. I feel weird without my boots on. Oh and I wear my hair in a ponytail because my hair is REALLY LONG & it drives me nuts when it falls down my back & I go to turn my head to see if traffic is clear and wind up pulling it.

  • to be honest, i've never payed much attention to which sock i put on first. but i put my pants on all at once. i don't know why. i guees because it's quicker. it's a little odd, and i don't know why i do that, but i just do.

  • on right foot first

  • right then left

  • I am unique! I do it like everyone else!

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