why is america so fattening?

3 of my friends (1 mexican,and 2 japanese) when they come back from there original country,they are like 10 pounds or 20 or just in between, lighter? and then after a full year of being in america they gain about 10-20 pounds here? even my chinese teacher says she gains weight when she comes to america for a full year, and when she gos back to china she ends up loseing that weight. what the heck is up with america?????:l


  • When in America, do as the Americans do i guess!

  • Besides the abundance of fast food, take a look around grocery stores. The junk food and unhealthy stuff is everywhere and cheap.

  • McDonalds, Burger King, Arby's, In and out Burger, Burger Master and many more fast food restaurants.

  • Well Americans tend to be fat slobs who love pizza and McDonald's and then they sit on their fatness watching American idol and dream of nachos and candy. It's the foods we offer here and the fact that there's fat people all over so they can just say well ill fit right in. Lazy weak people lol

  • Bcuz everyone thinks its ok to just eat & not excersise . & there's SO Many fast food places. Some ppl don't feel like cooking so they think it's easier to just drive to mcdonalds.

  • It's got nothing to do with being in America, it's what they are putting in their mouths and I'm sure nobody's forcing them, it's their choice.

  • People tend to eat a lot of processed foods containing a lot of sugar, salt, and fat. The salt makes people retain water, and you know what the sugar and fat do.

  • thats cuz america is the number one country for overconsumption.

  • mcdonalds mcdonalds MCDONALDS PIZZA HUT!!

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