Do you know 10 percent of America pregnancies are teens?

Why do you think that is?


  • both parents working outside the home

    single parent families

    kids think they are way smarter than they really are

    the invincibility factor~ thinking that nothing bad will ever happen to them

    peer pressure

    stupid and impossible romantic movies targeted at teens (ie; Bella Swan begging for sex)

    and last but not least

    a really poor sex education system in America (at school and at home)

  • Do you know 10 percent of America pregnancies are teens? yes

  • "(this has transpired since the ban of prayer in public school by atheists)" I thought you people prided yourselves on freedom ... "the land of the free". You're not into freedom, huh? You would want me to sit in your classroom and listen to superstitious nonsense against my will, wouldn't you? You need to have a closer look at what is happening around you and STOP believing that any breed-brand of invisible space chappie is gonna save you or even make a difference. A rise in teen pregnancy? I am not surprised. Sexual enlightenment is justified insofar as girls cannot learn too soon how children do not come into the world. (Karl Kraus) These stats you're pulling from your favourite orifice may have had more credibility if you'd cited your sources. Too embarrassed, yeah? ~

  • I think it's natural for teens to get pregrant and unnatural for 40 year-old women to get pregnant. Evolution favors younger mothers. It's only modern society that thinks women should wait until 30 to have kids. Yuh right.

  • ummm more like 20 or 40 percent... they grown up to fast.

  • they have no discipline or self control and never think more than 10 minutes into the future, its actually sad

  • thats all? im 16 n i thought it was higher then that haha ive gotten the same girl pregnant twice >:( hahaha

  • poor parenting

    the MOVIES

    the TV

    and schools let them go to school that way

    sad thing I say

    good luck


  • No, I wouldn't.

    I'll never have anything to do with that.

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