What do emos do regularly?

I keep being called emo at school cause of my hair and i know it means EMOtional but what would an emo do regularly?


  • i'm emo and i just sulk mostly(when i go out)i don't talk much and i get all quiet in crowds...when i'm home i lock my bedroom door and listen to rock music or write poetry.

  • Why are you even classifying folks into organizations simply since they stereotype matters? First off, emos, goths and preps are simply folks. There's not anything specific approximately them. I'm no longer even letting ANYONE drive me right into a organization at college since that is simply surely ridiculous. I am myself, and I may not be stereotypical approximately it. But truthfully, preps are the worst since emos and goths do not pass judgement on folks with out understanding them first. On the opposite hand, preps are too pass judgement on intellectual for me and disrespectful. Then once more, I by no means favored someone in college like that.

  • EMo's are just people who keep things bottled up inside and mostly are very quiet with very few friends.

  • They are most Loners

    always dressing in black

    trying to impress the chicks

    by putting on make-up

    and putting on their sisters




  • cut themselves. and trying to be all dark by wearing a lot of black.

  • i hate being called emo my own sister said if i was emo i was like wtf im not emo

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