Is 1000 calories a day unhealthy?

I am 5'6, and somewhere around 180lbs. This semester I am studying abroad in Quito, Ecuador, and I've been here for almost three weeks.

Since I've been here my appetite has been nearly nonexistent. I know that because of the difference in altitude there can be varying effects on the body, such as lack of appetite, but I was told acclimatization should only take around 10 days at the most. I know a change of scenery and lifestyle can change eating habits, but I'm less stressed out here than I usually am at home. The food is also tasty when I'm actually hungry, so I don't think it's an aversion to the new food.

I've been counting my calorie intake for the last couple days, and most days I'm consuming 1000 calories at the very most. I try to make myself eat more, but then I get too full and uncomfortable.

Should I be concerned and/or speak to someone at a clinic, or does this seem like something that will eventually get better? 1000 calories seems low even for someone dieting.

Thoughts, personal experience?


  • If the minimum for a woman is 1200 calories I don't see how 200 calories less is "very bad" like some answerers said lol. That's a chocolate bar less than the recommended amount I don't see how it's terrible. You will be fine.

  • for a woman yes its very bad, minimum is 1200 a day for a woman, and if you exercise you could have more.

    Calorie counting is the key to maintain a health body and calorie intake I've added a link to source to a useful blog article about calorie counting you might find it interesting.

    And on a scary note, women under 1200 a day cause serious damage to there health's don't let this happen to you.

  • Yes, 1000 calories would be below the recommended amount even for someone trying to lose weight. I know my friend really struggles to eat a lot in the warmer weather and she would try to drink things like milkshakes etc to bring up her calorie intake.

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