True or False I must respect your beliefs?

How can I respect someone's beliefs when I don't believe in their beliefs. Can I only respect their right to believe what they want?


  • Respect their right, but not their belief.

  • I don't believe we need to respect everyone's beliefs.

    If we can't respect someone's beliefs, it would be hard to form a close bond with that person, though, so I recommend in friendships and relationships and family matters that people try to respect each other's beliefs.

    But for every belief-- no, I don't have to respect them, nor do I have to respect the person who holds them. I do respect that they have rights, though, and hope they respect laws and rights of others.

  • False. You do not have to respect someone else beliefs, only their right to believe or not believe what ever they want. Even God does that.

  • It's not that we respect them for their beliefs, but we respect that they have the right to believe whatever they want.

    Respect is a funny word, I like to think it means not to disrespect rather than mean reverence for (which sometimes it is used in that context).

  • Correct. I don't respect religions, but I do respect others right to believe them.... and my right to question said belief.

  • I believe in free will. Sometimes we cannot respect beliefs of others but we can still live peacefully among each others if laws of men and God are not violated.

  • You can try to persuade them to your way of thinking based on facts, but ultimately its respecting their right to have their own beliefs.

  • False.

    But we should respect a persons right to believe in whatever they choose.

  • you can both respect their right to believe in what they want, you can also respect their belief if you want, or just part of it.

    all depends on what you want

  • Respect us as individuals, and do keep your judgements on the beliefs to yourself.

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