College Algebra Math word problem?

Bobs coin bank contains nickels, dimes, and quarters. There are twice as many dimes as quarters, and and seven more nickels than dimes. The total value of the coins is $3.10. How many of each coin are there?

A passenger train travels 295 miles in the same amount of time it takes a freight train t travel 225 miles. the rate of the passenger train is 14mph greater than the rate of the freight train. Find the rate of each train.


  • let n= #nickels so 0.05n= value of the nickels

    let d= # dimes so 0.10d= value of the dimes

    let q =# quarters so 0.25q = value of the quarters

    We are told that d=2q

    and n = d + 7 so n = 2q +7 We will use these facts to replace n and d

    we know 0.05n + 0.10d + 0.25q = 3.10

    so 0.05(2q +7) + 0.10(2q) + 0.25q = 3.10

    0.10q + 0.35 + 0.20q +0.25g = 3.10

    0.55q = 2.75

    q=5 quarters

    d= 2(5)= 10 dimes

    n= 2(5) + 7 = 17 nickels

    295 = (r + 14)t and 225 = rt

    295= rt + 14t

    295 = rt + 14t



    70 = 14t

    t= 5 hrs

    225 = r*5

    r= 45mph for the freight train

    45 +14 = 59 mph for the passenger train

  • Let x = number quarters

    So 2x = number of dimes //// There are twice as many dimes as quarters

    & (2x+7) = number of nickels ///// There are seven more nickels than dimes

    5(2x+7) + 10(2x) + 25x = 310

    10x +35 +20x +25x = 310

    55x = 310 -35

    55x = 275

    x = 275/55 = 5

    There are 5 quarters , 10 dimes & 27 nickels.

    Let v = speed of freight train

    Use d = vt

    so 225 = vt (1)

    Speed of passenger train is (v+14) mph

    so 295 = (v+14)t (2)

    295 = vt + 14t

    295 = 225 + 14t /// from (1) vt =225

    70 = 14t

    t = 70/14 = 5 hours

    Train speeds;

    Freight train = d/t = 225/5 = 45 mph

    Passengar = 45 + 14 = 59 mph

    Or do it this way

    295/5 = 59 mph

  • 1) let n = nickels, d = dimes, and q = quarters

    d = 2q --> 1/2d = q

    n = 7 + d

    3.10 = .1d + .05n + .25q

    --> 3.10 = .1d + .05(7+d) + .25(d/2)

    --> 310 = 10d + 35 + 5d + 25/2d

    --> 275 = 27.5d

    --> d = 10

    --> n = 17

    --> q = 5

    17 nickels, 10 dimes, 5 quarters

    2) d = rt

    --> 295/(rp) = 225/(rf)

    --> rp = rf + 14

    --> 295(rf) = 225(rf + 14)

    --> 70(rf) = 3150

    --> rf = 45

    --> rp = 59

    Passenger Train = 59mph, Freight Train = 45mph

  • let x = no. of quaters










    that's probably right tho

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