Do you think I'm a rebel?

Ok today I went with my youth group to a catholic church in Oakland CA. I live In Livermore CA which is about 60 minutes away from here. Well my parents am have been telling me not to go because I don't have much driving experience bla bla bla and so I took the car to my church just like I always do but this time I actually took it to Oakland and I made it overthere and came back as well with no tickets or accidents.


Catholic youth aren't rebelious at all

Update 3:

@ pandora why would I want to stop going to church for???? I don't like to be far away from god


  • Im more impressed you made it out of oakland unharmed.

  • <<Do you think <snip> tickets or accidents.>>

    Long story short, the bottom line is you disobeyed your parents.

    That is NOT a good thing.

    <<I'm not a kid. I'm 20 years old almost 21 on the 24th of this month>>

    That doesn't matter. One is NEVER too old to disobey one's parents.

    <<Catholic youth aren't rebelious at all>>

    Catholic youth are human to. They suffer from youthful arrogance like everyone else that age.

    <<why would I want to stop going to church for???? I don't like to be far away from god>>

    Your parents DON'T have a problem with you taking the car to neighborhood Church. They DO take issue with you taking the car against their will to other functions further away.

  • Them Catholic youth are so rebellious.

    I really wish I was more like you.

  • ya you should stop going to church

  • I stopped after the first sentence.


  • You're a bamf

  • your a normal kid

  • woah you are such a badass

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