Do Leopard Geckos see white?

I let my gecko run around on the floor. She ran straight into a wall, and kept on trying to go forward. Do geckos see white as transparent?


  • Of course they do. They just have no sense of depth perception, so that's why she ran into the wall. It has nothing to do with being stupid.

  • Leopard gecko poo must be an prolonged brown component with a smaller white component linked. The brown area is the feces, together as the white area is the urate - or, their pee. A healthful gecko's poo might have the two parts fairly some the time, together as a gecko with in simple terms white is a gecko that may no longer getting sufficient foodstuff, and a gecko with in simple terms brown is a gecko which would be fairly dehydrated.

  • Living organisms can't see white as trasparent unless it has a transparency to it. It could be that your gecko could have bad eyesight or is just stupid. Living things either see black and white, color, or both.

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