How do you know God is real?

Do you just believe it or have you got some sort of connection


  • I seriously doubt that he is.

    My theory is that people were afraid of dying, so they came up with this idea of god and heaven so that they would feel comforted.

    They invest so heavily in this idea that, when confronted with questions like these, they just say that they "have faith". Despite this, I mean no disrespect to the religion; I admire their ability to be so kind and resilient in the face of such doubt.

    I would not consider myself atheist, as I am not completely closed-minded to the prospect of higher powers, but I am slightly more of a skeptic than a believer; I think this is to do with the way children are brought up today; to believe in science and facts rather than possibility and faith; something I wish we could change.

    All in all, proof of god's existence is subjective to each individual; and who knows, they may be right!

  • I know that God is imaginary the same way I know that Santa and fairies are imaginary. They all are blatant fairy tales which can't possibly be true because they all break unbreakable natural laws. No one has witnessed (especially scientists who actually understand them) a natural law being broken and we have no reason to assume that it is possible. However, we do know for a fact that humans are susceptible to delusions in the mind (10,000 ancient God myths and counting) and that people have blindly believed in all kinds of ridiculous and baseless nonsense since as far back as we kept records. A lot of people think that aliens have visited earth because they had a delusion of being anal probed. Billions of people believe in astrology even though it is utter nonsense and can be debunked simply by the fact that 14 days were arbitrarily wiped from existence in the 14th century, thus rendering it out to lunch by 14 days even if it were true.

  • Christians know that god is real the same way a 4 year old girl knows that her stuffed teddy bear will protect her when the lights are turn out.

  • The God of Israel (the Christian God) has chosen to prove Himself to humanity via prophecy. He chose to use prophecies such as: the exile of Israel, the sudden increase of knowledge, the Holocaust, and the return of Israel, to prove Himself because only God can know the future. It is through this that humanity can be certain that the God of Israel is the living God because it is impossible for any living thing could have guessed the future thousands of times without error.

  • Romans 1:20 - For his invisible [qualities] are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.

    The link below might help answer the question:

  • I read the bible. listened to testimonies. Tested the Lord to confirm his lIving state of being over and over

    I realized that prophecies were accurate beyond normal predictabilities.

    So many connect hundreds to thousands of years later.

    Also from good things in prayer being answered too.

    I realized the devil exists also which at firstfreightened me and relaized the devil worked through people he seems to control at times. I knew we also was withing other large religions even infesting the church to cause sin, mischief and evil.

    So I chose Jesus Christ and studied long and hard. At times backsliding later to return to the Lord Jesus Christ..

  • Since God creation is always real, how ever invincible , God is real too.

  • You don't. I think anyone that does believe in God should be locked up and forcibly medicated. Lunatics.

  • Look at the millions of people that gather to praise his name all over the world. All the Christmas lights that are hung on his birthday. All the good things that are done in his name. He is Real. There is no doubt about it. You just know. I feel sad for the people that can't see it. It's so obvious ://.

  • I believe God is real by faith and the Bible. =)

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