How do I raise my self-esteem?

Women in general hate my guts because of the way I am. I'm a 21 y.o male virgin and women deem me as unattractive. Contributing factors to this would be acne, obesity and facial stigmata. I still live with my parents, I am training to become a nurse and I have no chance in actually becoming one. I have the fashion sense of a middle-aged man and my intelligence equates to that of a slug. I have no sense of humour and I'm British [unfortunately]. I have no confidence when approaching or talking with women because my fear of rejection and my apparent ugliness. I have no part-time job and obviously no money. My future is looking pretty bleak at the moment and I am contemplating suicide a lot. A lot of people say I put myself down, but I'm just saying what's true.


No thank you, I'm not joining clubs. People hate me because I don't talk much.


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