Conservatives, do you support mountaintop removal mining?


  • OK

    What are you going to do to cut the demand for coal?

    1) You are going to cut your use of electricity by 50%

    2) Not buy anything that has steel in it that needs coal

    or anything you use to be support the counts on the use of electricity or anything made of steel

    See how far you get today with the use of those two items.

    If you can't line yourself up with conservatives on supporting mountaintop removal mining.

  • I would support stopping it if the bobble head liberals would support a hundred new nuclear power plants be built in the next 15 years.

    Ever time you plug you clean, nonpolluting electric car into your wall out let the electricity comes from a coal or oil burning power plant.

    The Al Gore devotees are not only hypocritical but stupid!

  • Sure. That is what the earth is here for us, but those that profit also need to leave the land in a reasonable condition and minimize damage. Replant trees, etc...

    The earth is ruled by humans not the little fish. We eat them.

  • Duh, yeah. Have you ever tried building a house on the peak of a hill? You have to grade it off and make it flat to put down the foundation. If you want to mine a mountain top and the owner agrees to lease it for mining or sell it, it's theirs to do whatever they want with it. It's PRIVATE PROPERTY! Who the hell is anybody to tell anyone what they can and can't do with their own property? That's what's wrong with this country now. The government and the libs have their noses up our azzes checking to see if it stinks and think they can tell us every move we can make. That's not what our founding fathers left us as their and our legacy.

  • Sure, why not? No deep mines to trap and kill miners, cheap and easy access to the coal, what is not to like?

    Coal fired generators would give us cheap electricity making it cost effective to increase manufacturing in the US, which would create more jobs and increase the standard of living in America.

  • The last time I traveled through West Virginia my heart just sank at the destruction of the mountain tops there.

  • I support the Raw materials that are procured from it.

    Coal is powering the computer I am on right now. So, it is hypocritical to say I do not support it...

  • We are all reliant on the resources we have, we can not return to hunting and gathering or an agrarian society.

  • I would say no because they move the toxic material to the valleys. Not ok with me

  • No, but I do believe in environmentally responsible mining and drilling for oil and natural gas.

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