Was Katrina a natural or man made disaster?

I'm not asking about what happened in Mississippi or elsewhere. Rather, I'm asking about what was happening in New Orleans exactly five years ago.


  • The Federal inquiry made it clear that New Orleans flooded so badly because The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers failed to maintain the levees or build them correctly in the first place. Katrina was entirely avoidable natural disaster It was a hurricane. We don't build those.

  • The hurricane was natural disaster, and unfortunately since New Orleans is below sea level, there wasn't much anyone could do to prevent it. A lot of people say that President Bush was lazy and uncaring about the problem and refused to help. However, the truth is he couldn't. In the case of a natural disaster, it's up to the Governor of said area to either fix the problem or call in for help. The Governor in charge of that 5 years ago failed to respond, putting our former president in a tough situation. Eventually the government stepped in when it was clear there was no other choice, but saying Katrina was Bush's fault is like saying the oil spill is Obama's. It was a terrible natural disaster that happened 5 years ago, I say we put the past in the past.

  • Hurricanes are, by definition, natural disasters.

    The man-made disasters involve the the leadership failures that ignored the risks to much of this area for decades were failures of man. The state and local authorities knew of the risks and could have and should have done a lot long before the natural disaster to improve protections.

    With the storm pending, local authorities failed completely in getting the people most at risk out of their homes.

    And state and local authorities failed miserably to mitigate the losses after the storm hit.

    The media compounded the disaster by using the storm for poltical purposes and pointing fingers when they should have been helping.

  • Let's say a combination of both, they knew levees which were supposed to prevent New Orleans from flooding were grossly inadequate.

    Shovel Ready, the idiot is you.,

    Obama acknowledged that the storm, which brought waves of water that overcame levees carrying homes and residents away, "was a natural disaster, but also a man made catastrophe, a shameful breakdown in government."

  • Hurricanes are a natural occurrence, there are several in the Atlantic presently.

    New Orleans was a man-made disaster for a long time, and probably still is.

  • It was both. The hurricane, of course, was a natural disaster. The after effects like the levies breaching, people starving and dieing in the streets were all man made.

  • The hurricane itself was natural.

    The man-made part of the disaster is that the government knew the levees wouldn't hold up in a Category 3 hurricane, and they didn't shore them up anyway. What was also man-made was the fact that the government told people to go to the Superdome, and when they did, they were stranded and many died a painful death.

    I don't know why it's so difficult for people to see the difference between the hurricane itself and the government's failure to handle it properly.

  • Both. Because New Orleans is below sea level and protected by levies and probably is more expensive to protect than its value to mankind, and could be relocated, it was in part a man made disaster.

  • A man made disaster was in the white house when a natural disaster occurred. It's called a perfect storm.

  • A hurricane is a natural phenomenon. The levee banks breaking were ultimately caused by man. The social problems were mostly caused by the people who lived there and refused to leave so they could loot and act like savages at the football stadium.

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