Okay I'm having a serious problem?

I'm almost 20 and still a virgin and guys seem to think its a sign of being a man if you are no longer a virgin this pressure alone makes me feel inferior to all others in my gender. I easily could have lost my virginity but chose not to due to not thinking it was right to have sex with a girl I wasn't in love with. Is losing your virginity that important? Even some girls seem to think its important. I really don't get it.


  • sex is not something to worry about not doing. If you haven't found the right person, then wait. My boyfriend and I were both virgins and it was so much better when we were in love and better than just a one night stand. I have friends over 20 who have not had sex, not because they don't have the oprotunity, because they do, but because they haven't found the right guy/girl. Don't worry about it and when you find the right person, you will be happy you waited :)

  • Dude it isnt. Not even just friends but the world is geared on the promotion of sex. You should definitely wait till you meet the right person, its what you desrve and you shoudnt settle for anything less. If it bothers you that much then try to avoid conversations around it. If you feel guys are making you feel uncomfortable about it then you dont have to talk about it. In the meantime enjoy life and i hope you meet that right person. Stay strong

  • Every virgin wonders if sex is really sooo important...But its not..Trust me!

    Dont go have sex with someone just because you think you should because your still

    a virgin! Have sex when your ready to do so..Not just to fit in, not just to say your not a virgin anymore thats really lame...Wait till its the right time and the right person...You will always always always rememeber your first! You dont want it to be with someone you will regret doing it with...

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