Is homosexual marriage just as unnatural as...?

...interracial marriage, as two races would never mix in nature?


  • Yes. As a Muscogee-Cherokee-Choctaw-French-Irish- Welsh man, I can tell you there is nothing more unnatural than interracial or homosexual couples, and my German boyfriend absolutely agrees with me on that.

  • "...interracial marriage, as two races would never mix in nature?"

    Wrong. Heard of dog/wolf breeds or plant types? Yeah.

    On the other hand, the entire institution of human marriage as a social/economic tie could be regarded as unnatural.

  • There is nothing wrong with interracial marriage but I believe homosexual people should definitely not be allowed to marry each other because it's a sin.

  • Both interracial marriage and homosexual marriage are only unnatural if you think they are. Nobody is going to kill you in your sleep for your thoughts, which is why I don't think it matters very much.

  • What a narrow, bigoted and intolerant mind you have.

    There is no comparison between these two.

    Homosexuality is a congenital malfunction in the brain,

    causing impaired sexual orientation.

    Normal heterosexual people are often attracted to the

    opposite sex in races other than their own. The world

    is full of examples of that, and their beautiful children.

    My children have English, Scot, Irish, German, French,

    Nth American First State and West Indian blood.

  • Christianity is unnatural, humans are the only species that has developed religion and it often goes against our natural desires for sex (abstinence) and hunger (fasting).

    While homosexuality is a natural alternative that occurs in many species in the wild.

  • >>Interracial relationships can under no circumstances ensue -in nature-. under no circumstances. imagine about the human races. they are divided up over the earth. Black individuals are primarially from Africa, caucasians primarially from Europe, and Orientals primarially from Asia.<< There are various issues incorrect with your argument. in the starting up, race is a social construct, no longer organic and organic. Biologically, there is in simple terms one race of human beings. it truly is why a male human and a woman human of differing pores and skin tones can produce fertile offspring. 2d, human beings did not in simple terms spring up in Europe, Asia, etc. all of us got here from the same position, and traveled to different parts.

  • with that argument homosexual union may be more natural, but if you look at some of the studies of our very early ancestors i don't think race was a barrier

  • Well, for one, how is marriage-no matter what 'genre' it is, unnatural?...

    Getting married is a man-made concept and has nothing to do with deities. You know gay people and mixed couples are human too, right?

  • To be natural something must occur in nature. Homosexuality is prevalent in nearly every species living on this earth. Homosexuality is natural by definition.

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