Is pre-algebra hard....................?

I'm going into 8th grade and my mom says it's hard, but I don't really believe it?


  • Math is hard when you don't understand but it's very easy when you do understand. So, it depends on how you're studying and do you understand the basic concepts or not. And don't try to memorize math. Also, practice a lot. Practice really makes the difference. And, don't hesitate to ask your teacher about any problem that you don't understand. They'll be more than happy to help you. Good Luck :)

  • Hahaha, no it wont be a problem. The 8th grade was my favorite year of school, it is pretty easy, you probably wonmt even have to try.

  • Nooo, if you have a logical mind, Algebra will be very easy and you will also enjoy producing the result. However geeky this may sound, I loved Algebra in high-school :))

  • 8th? Dude we're almost the exact same age and I'm going into 9th lol

    Pre-Algebra is pretty easy. But of course it gets more and more advanced.

  • Nope, so easy. Some might find it hard, but if you just follow the steps, and listen, you'll do fine.

  • It's pretty easy, if I recall correctly.

    (8th grade student, I'm **** at maths)

  • No, it's math with X's. It's hard at first, but it's super easy.

  • No, it's really easy. Annoying though... but you have to start off somewhere.

  • No, it's not hard.....if you catch on quick.

    Pay attention and you should be fine.

  • no it's easy but i did have trouble at Algebra2

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