do i have low self esteem?

I'm kind of chubby I weigh 148 and my height is 5'3 I'm 19 and i feel insecure about my self i have stretch marks on my breast since i was 15 i bloomed from one day to another if you know what I mean lol and when I was 16 i started getting stretch marks in my side of my tummy so i started loosing weight and i started getting some on me stomach on the side of my belly button. I hate them i feel so ugly even though they're white lines. I dont know why they don't go awat, i want to to be in a relationship but what if my bf wants to have intercourse ? I dont want him to see my ugly body. I dont want him to be disgusted.


  • My sweetie had stretch marks when I met her. She said her boobs just grew when she was ten, and all the other girls made fun of her because she had such big boobs at that age. When I met her, they seemed about normal size. I didn't mind the stretch marks at all! Still don't. If someone loves you, or even just really likes you, things like that just don't matter.

  • Eat less, workout more.

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