Mw3 Problem? Xbox Freezes...?

I just bought a 4G Xbox Slim from GameStop last night. I could play MW3 just fine. Now I can't. It will show up on the Xbox home screen. I'll press A to get on the game, but it freezes before it gets to MW3s intro. Help?


  • Return it, if its brand new and having issues you probably got a lemon. I would weigh that 4GB hard drive, your average xbox live update is around 5 mb. You will have an update for every game that is out on xbox to date, as well as some games will require multiple updates from time to time. These updates eat at your memory. I have a 120 GB hard drive and within a year between DLC and Updates Im occupying over 40 GB on it already, might wanna throw out some extra change for some more space. Some games online perform better when directly downloaded to your 360 (Halo Series, Marvel vs Capcom Series, COD Series). The response is faster and less likely to "halt" or "pause" for a split second during fast paced and busy gaming, with only 4 GB you cant take advantage of this feature. Hope this helped, Thanks.

  • it somewhat is happening to me and my buddy. i assume it somewhat is the servers being over populated. It is going right into a deep lag/crash each time your in a celebration. possibly no longer established on behalf of their element, yet established for many individuals to happen to.

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