Am I traumatized? Do I have a psychological problem?

About 10 years ago, I had a horrible haircut & was crying for weeks. I've heard so many girls complain/talk about how their hair stops growing around mid-back to waist. So I decided, instead of spending $50 in salons to feel miserable, I'd never get a real haircut & let my hair go to mid-back to waist.

However, it just kept growing... Now it is almost at my ankles. Other than trimming split ends myself, I have never been to a salon since or had a haircut. I didn't plan to let it get this long, but I'm pretty surprised it did & I'm so curious to see how long it will get. And of course, the longer my hair has got, the more I loved it. Although, it can be a lot of work & gets in the way all the time... I've had to change/modify so many habits and things I do because of it.

What do you think of my hair? How long do you think it will grow? Although, I love having long hair, do you think I am growing it & putting up with it out of fear or being traumatized?


  • I think you need to post a picture before I will believe you.

  • Your hair will continue to grow no matter what. If your hair is getting in the way and has prevented you doing things then I think a trim is in order, maybe not loads but have it cut to a reasonable and manageable length. I reckon you have been put off because of the bad hair cut not really traumatised, if you are worried about getting a bad haircut again ask people you know about which local hair dressers are good or search for reviews on the web.

    Hope i've helped

  • You probably have become so used to having it that long! I think you need to cut it. Most likely, the hair is unhealthy and you seem ready for a new hairstyle/ look! My advice, cut it off 4 inches below shoulder length.

  • Yes its time for a change, cut that hair

  • your hair will continue to grow until you die

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