converting videos from video camera cassettes to cds?

i just want to know if there is any software or method from which i can transfer my videos recorded in sony handycam cassettes to my pc and later write from pc to cd's please help me there are some important videos in my cassettes and i dont want to loose them .


  • I am not going to guess at what camera you have, so its impossible to answer, I assume its a digital camcorder but who knows.

    What is the make and model of your camera without that its going to be a guess, as the above are


  • If they are digital MiniDv tapes, all you should need is a 4 pin to 6 pin firewire cable and a computer with a 6 pin firewire port. This can be added as an expansion card to most desktops made in the last 5 years, I even put on on a pentium2 from 1998! (Bad idea, but it got me through).

    If these are other formats and the camera only has analog out, you can use any number of analog capture devices (dazzle makes several versions).

    MiniDv is 13gigs/hour. CDs hold 700mb, DVDs hold 4.7 gb. Even from analog, a CD will only hold 5-20 minutes of video.

    Saved as files direct from the camera, you will use a lot of disks.

    You can get at least one tape onto 1 dvd as a normal video dvd, but then the footage is locked to that format, you can't return it to its full DV quality and editing becomes very difficult.

    If you have the drive space, or can get an external drive, then you can keep your video as it came from the camera. Most people can cut a lot of space by making a quick edit and only keep the quality shots.

    If these are MiniDv, the tapes are extremely durable, they are hard to intentionally erase outside of the camera. If you are worried about your camera's service life and don't intend on getting another MiniDv unit, go ahead...get the data off (But keep your tapes as secondary archive).

  • Any video editing program would transfer your MiniDV tapes through firewire to your Hard drive of choice, then all you to edit and save the program, write a file or make a DVD

  • u need to capture your cassettes to pc using a capture card nowadays its built in then u can easily write them to cd's or dvd's

  • sony VRD-MC5 , it's a machine ,not software but it's easy and works well

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